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The Cozy Cabin Reviews

The Cozy Cabin is a wonderful server that I enjoy being a part of. It has a fun-filled community.
The owner has developed several fun things in his bot, which makes the server more interesting.
- 11SecondsOfWinter#1863, active member.
Overall rating - 5/5

An excellent server with a fully custom bot that helps to create a safe experience for all.
Additionally, the server will make you laugh and even has its own lore.
- Fruxul#0001, The Cozy Cabin Discord's News reporter and active member.
Overall rating - 4.2069/5

The Cozy Cabin is a pretty damn good server not gonna lie, been there since it got created.
It's a little dead due to members not giving a heck but there are people there who are active and participate in events we do every so often.
10/10 would advertise everywhere.
- ypoa#2844, The Cozy Cabin Discord Server's admin, r/discordtcc moderator and active member.
Overall rating - 5/5

The Cozy Cabin is an amazing server!
It has many channels for people to talk about different hobbies and this doesn't crowd the general chat.
It has many amazing and unique bots and the best one is The Cabin Assistant (the official server bot).
- PhoenixPlayz#2503, Discord Mod and active member.
Overall rating - 5/5

Very pog must join
- fang#5192, Former Mod and active member.
Overall rating - 5/5